Thursday, December 29, 2011

Prepare for your new year with these spiritual and fun tips!

Some people go all out for New Years Eve. The party, the festivities and then for some like me with SPIRIT! I am use to doing some kind of ritual in my home with family on this day. Here are a few traditional ones that you might of heard of already other ones that you might say oh I never heard about that or oh I have not tried that one yet! Whichever one you pick allow yourself to connect with SPIRIT with the essence of new beginnings and magic. I did this to give you options on what you can do to celebrate the start of a new year. 

January 1, 2012 there is a Moon in Aries (a time of new beginnings) 

"Your guardian angel is holding the divine blueprint for your life and whispering it to you. It's a good time to listen as the New Year starts."-Diane Cooper 

1. The twelve grapes-You get twelve grapes and at the strike of midnight you eat each grape which represents all twelve months. As you eat each grape you make a wish for the new year. The more you believe in it and smile the better! :) This is my mom's fave. 

2 Wear a specific color that represents what you wish to bring in your new year.-Some always say wear read underwear if you wish to have a lot of love in your new year or a new romance. I say wear it any way you want to and if you want to bring in more wealth wear green. A good idea for 2012 since it is the year of the dragon is to wear colors that represent the dragon and that is orange and red. (you can use such colors in candles too if you wish to burn a candle for New years eve. Maybe you want to create an alter so you can use colored candles too.) 

3. Write a list!-Writing lists are my fave and is a simple and perfect way to ring in the new year. I did this with my boyfriend last year and it felt really nice to do it together. (hint hint if you have a partner or do it with family and friends) Now this list represents your intentions and wishes for the new year. It can be long or it can be short. Now once you have created it when it strikes midnight or at least a few minutes after burn the list! Be safe and burn it outside or in the bathroom if you don't want to burn it then just flush it down the toilet. By doing this you are releasing it and allowing the universe and God to conspire on your behalf and wishes. Maybe they will know the best way to get you what you want so let it go and trust. 
Another list you can create if you want is a list of the things you need to let go of or the people you need to forgive. This list you can also burn or flush down the toilet. 
I know some people like to keep the first list of intentions and wishes in their alters or sacred space through out the whole year. You can do this too. 

4. Create an alter or decorate a table in your home with lots of symbols, festivity, joy and spiritual objects that you like. Add candles if you like and each person who wishes to part take in lighting a candle for their new year can add theirs on the table or alter too. Remember you can use colored candles too that represent something you wish to bring into your new year. If you do not pick a colored one you can choose any candle you like and you can inscribe your first name or initials on it with a tooth pick this means it represents you and holds your intentions. If you can't inscribe it on the sides do it on the top. Remember have fun and be creative.

5. Bean Blessing-(Witch Bree) Here is an ancient way of casting out demons and bringing new tidings for your friendships and family. In ancient times, many pagan people--from the Greeks to the Incans--believed beans contained evil spirits. Buy a bag of dried beans and invite your friends over. Go to your roof or where ever you can "get high". Start throwing beans down one at a time, with each toss calling out whatever you want to kiss good bye--a job, a bad relationship, etc. After discarding all the discord from your life, you and your friends can celebrate the lifting of all burdens. 

6. Clean!-yes that simple clean your home, your room, your car, your work area. Oh and if you are like me that has a lot of statues of saints and angels please clean them before the new year. I learned this not sure how but I heard that they also wish to be cleansed so that they can keep giving you all of their bright energies. Today I cleaned my room and got rid of a lot of paper and garbage. I also enjoyed cleaning my saints and angels. I still need to go through other drawers. Mop, sweep and get rid of what you don't want or need anymore! I almost forgot cleanse your crystals too! You can do it by laying them under sun shine. Or by cleansing them in water. (if you know a better way please share or comment) 

7.Bless or smudge your home!-My mom mentioned something about la siete iglesias-seven churches. What this means is you gather holy water from seven different churches and you mix them together and use it to bless the home. You can use this or any holy water or spiritual perfumes/sprays that you have to bless your home. Smudging is a way to cleanse your home and get rid of old and negative energy. You can use white sage or cedar. Be very safe with this! For clear and accurate instructions please refer to this link

8. Let your guardian angel or the angels know your feelings and thoughts about letting go of the old year and preparing for the new year. The angel for Sunday which it turns once it hits midnight is the great Archangel Michael. So when midnight hits you can talk to him and let him know all that you wish to share about the new year and what you hope for. Archangel Michael is great at taking away your fears and cutting any cords connecting you to people or situations that are blocking and draining you. He can help you release!

9. Be you. Be creative. Be in the moment. Be hopeful. Be the energy that you hope 2012 will be like. Accept all the new beginnings to come! and let everything be. 

No matter what you do or where you are I hope you have a happy new years eve! Sending you lots of angels and light! To a great and amazing 2012 for us and the world! Cheers....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Reattaching the Umbilical Cord

This is one of the many messages I've been a conduit for lately. I pray that all who read it are open and receptive to the Wisdom that has come through me. These are not my words, but messages from the Divine, I'm just the Oracle, the channel. So, tune in to the station to receive this Divine transmission and get out of it what's meant just for you <3
The first connection that a mother and child have is that of the umbilical cord. It connects the placenta and the fetus, allowing the mother to transfer nutrient-rich and oxygenated blood (life force energy) to the child. From conception, the mother is naturally and abundantly equipped to nourish and sustain the life of the child. The same concept applies to our relationship with Mother Earth. We must reattach our umbilical cords to the womb of the Earth. We must heal and reinforce our bond to our Mother.
Our disconnection from Her creative, nourishing, and abundant essence is what allows us to live in a world of destruction, poverty, and lack. She is the embodiment of perfect love and perfect trust. LOVE is the fifth element of creation, and She is the platform upon which all of creation manifests. LOVE is nurturance, sustenance, protection, and the teaching of Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding – She does all of  that and more through every element, every animal, every plant, every person, and even nonliving things.  She never fails to go through her seasons in order to allow for planting, growth, harvest, and falling away to make way for the next round of manifestation – you can always TRUST that the seasons will come as they always have. In the darkness of the womb, a growing child intrinsically TRUSTS that the connection to it's mother is there and that it will be cared for even if the connection  is not seen with the eyes. We (collectively) have lost that intrinsic "knowing" and the trust that all that we need and desire is ours to have. She maintains Her order and grace and is endlessly abundant, providing for us water, food, materials to make shelter, and natural remedies to cure every disease known to man; yet we currently live in a world where there is famine, poverty, and pestilence –  How is this possible? The disconnection is the culprit.
The severance of our bond with her prevents her from being able to nourish and sustain us all. The circumstances we see in the world are a lie. There is no such thing as "overpopulation" – Like a womb carrying multiples, Mother Earth is expansive and equipped with enough space (land), food, shelter (resources), and medicine (natural remedies and rituals) for everyone. To accept lack is disrespectful to The All and to our Mother. We falsely label her inadequate by not recognizing and living well according to her natural and endless abundance. The Universe is without limitations and the Earth is but a microcosm of the universe. Women are but microcosms of the Earth – and like the milk ducts respond to the child's mouth suckling at the breast, the Universe and Earth Mother respond accordingly to our needs, to what we consciously ask for. So let us consciously express the need for an elevation of consciousness and a return to our Mother. Let us weld that place where we have ripped ourselves away from our connection to our Source of nourishment, strength, and survival. Let us not perish when at our very feet lies the gateway and the keeper of Life.
Make grounding techniques a part of your daily practice and be consistent in your conscious effort to keep yourself connected to the life force energy of Mother Earth. Take the time to write out and/or record a detailed visualization of your cord, what it looks like – then visualize it being attached to the Muladhara (Root Chakra) of your auric body. Watch as it protrudes and expands to stretch down, down, down, to the Earth, where it plants itself and extends its roots to meet her Being. Whenever possible, take the time to plant your bare feet and hands in the Earth. Meditate and feel Her energy flowing. Feel Her pulse, know Her vitality, and receive Her essence through your cord – the essence of creation and the abundance of wealth, health, and love.
Blessed Be )O(
- Dava

Monday, December 26, 2011

Oracle Reading for 12.26.2011

The Cosmos

Bringing messages of creativity and vastness, today we're being asked to widen our scopes as to allow ourselves to accept and understand the majesty and power of The Cosmos. The Universe is the endlessly vast darkness from which all things spring forth – seen and unseen. Tapping into the raw and limitless creative power of the universe gives each and every one of us the ability to call (fire), create (air), form (water) , and manifest (earth) our desires both individually and on a grand scale. Our essence is that of CREATION, so live in your Truth and CREATE the life and the world you want to see by following your passions and using your passions to reach and help others. INTENTIONS ARE CONTAGIOUS! So make sure that you set your intentions for "the highest and greatest good of all" and then release them out into the universe in full faith in your Divine right to co-create with The Cosmos.

No dream is too big or to small – what Great Mystery has for you is FOR YOU! So don't let influences from friends, family, or media sway you away from what The Creator has placed in your heart to do. If you like it, you've got to surround yourself with people who LOVE it! Let your spirit guide you to people who are living and acting in that same creative vibration and take solace in any place that allows you to be your authentic, creative, POWERFUL self! When you consistently redirect your thoughts and actions to what you DO WANT to see in your life, the universe will respond and you will watch old habits, situations, and people fall away from you and be replaced by habits, situations, and people that further your desires and your overall purpose.

As the world experiences a multitude of paradigm shifts and is reawakened to The Divine Feminine, we will see a rise in consciousness – We will collectively reach an understanding and a reverence concerning the Divine within us, and we will learn that is is VERY possible to create not just the individual lives, but the WORLD we want to see – A world where health, wealth, and justice is the REALITY of the world instead of a sparse fantasy. This is a time for way more than New Year's resolutions. It's time for a New World, and we collectively have the power to bring that dream into manifestation!

Blessed Be )O(


Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Know What You Did Last Solstice

Well, I know what I did last solstice! It was a very powerful time. For the first time in 372 years, on December 21, 2010 there was a total lunar eclipse. The planets were more in line than any other time, making this a very rare astrological event. People sat glued to their computers, watching footage of the eclipse unfold.

For those of you who follow paganism, you know that Winter Solstice not only marks the first official day of the winter season, but it also rings in Yule, the original Christmas. I began my solitary celebration by participating in the Pagans Tonight Blog Talk Radio Yule Ritual, sponsored by Witch School International.  Pagans from all over the world logged in, and participated in welcoming the in the spirits of the season, the goddess, and the sun back.

After that, I took the time to do my own short ritual. In front of my Yule altar, I wrote down a list of things that I wanted to banish from my life, including bad habits, negative sentiments, and financial woes. On another page, I wrote down a list of things that I wanted for my life in the next year. I kept this list basic, and realistic. I put the list away and vowed to not look at it again until the next year.

I decided to release the energy that I had put into my ritual by going outside. I bundled up, took a stick of incense with me, and proceeded to walk the perimeter of my city block. It was a cool night, and the snow fell fresh on the ground. Everything was still and silent at the midnight hour. I spoke to the goddess while looking up at the moon above. I made some wishes and asked for her blessings. I left the incense outside near a tree as my final offering and proceeded in doors. I went to sleep.

A few days passed by when I got the sense that something had happened. There had been a shift. The predictions that December 21, 2012 were not necessarily on point. What ever was said would occur then, had already occurred on solstice. On that night, humans were given an opportunity to make a decision whether or not they wanted to remain with their old ways of being, or progressing as more enlightened, spiritual beings. This is what I felt deep down in my heart.

My year proceeded forward, and I was blessed by the goddess with new friendships, spiritual circles, helpful people, and unexpected changes in my life. I was brought tests and challenges, but due to my connection and dedication to Spirit, I overcame them. I was awarded with spiritual gifts and initiations, new strength and faith.

Yesterday I revisited last year’s solstice list. To my surprise, I overcame everything that I wrote down, and gained everything that I asked for. The list alone reconfirmed my beliefs, and allowed me to reflect on the pivotal moments that have brought me to where I am today.

This year I am looking forward to celebrating with my spirit guides, and meditation on my totems, one of which is the hummingbird, who in the Mexika tradition, heralds in the winter solstice. I plan on sending healing to the earth and making offerings to the planet. I urge you to take advantage of this year’s solstice energies as well. Take the time to connect. You can light many candles, or one small one. Dedicate yourself for the next year to working in service on behalf of Spirit, and the greatest good for all. Meditate, for that is that time when Spirit can speak to you.

For more information about this year’s online Yule Ritual, log on to Blog Talk Radio’s Pagans Tonight page, or simply click here. Blessed Yule!

By: Yvonne Nieves 

Her Facebook page!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Solstice Reading with the Animal Medicine Oracle (video)

I decided to do this last minute reading for the winter solstice of 2011. It is a perfect time to let go and get rid of things that you no longer need. It is also a great time to give up your struggles and hand them over to God and the beings of light. You are going through a rebirth. I hope you enjoyed this oracle reading with the Animal medicine cards. I felt they brought great insights to what is happening with us now and how we are moving forward. There is a lot to think about but be open to the knowledge and use it for your highest good! Love you all! Do not forget to honor your spirit and heart during these times. Speak with God. Open up to you divinity.

By: Cristina Balderas
Her Facebook Page!

Oracle Reading for 12.21.2011

The Resting Tree

The Resting Tree brings messages of patience and stillness. This is so fitting as we prepare to celebrate the Winter holidays and our beloved Winter Solstice. Winter is the season of "the deep freeze" – Animals big and small gather food for winter and nest deep inside their homes. Bears hibernate. Seeds drop from the plants and burrow in the soil.  – And then lie in wait, and they trust that spring will come, just as it always does. The energy of The Resting Tree has come to tell us that there is a time for action and there is a time for rest, and now is time for the latter. Stop being a busy body and just kick back and enjoy the holiday season. Think about your goals for the coming year, send your intentions out into the universe, and then let go and relax! Think of freezing water and what that means for the molecules – It means that they slow down and stop moving. When you allow yourself the opportunity to rest and to slow and stop, you will have time to enjoy each moment, to release the old, and to make way for the new. You will be open and ready to receive the bounty of the spring! Just like the plants and animals do, trust that the seasons will always come to pass and that it's okay to hibernate and be still for a little while. Trust in the Divine purpose of each season and that, in due time, your dreams will manifest. But for now, just rest, and don't you dare let anyone make you feel bad for doing so :)
