Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Twin Flames: A love that is one of a kind

I am going to make this introduction very simple because I want you to understand this concept that is truly so beautiful and deep; twin flames. My initial interest began when someone mentioned this to me and it resonated very deeply with in me even though I heard of it a few times before this time it up opened up my eyes and I suddenly began to make strong connections with specific feelings and memories. So as I began my quest to understand what this was and meant for me I realized this is so big and truly amazing. I have to share it with others and let them know what this means. Maybe they too can find their twin flame.

Have you ever waited so long for a dream to come true? Finding your twin flame can feel like this. Because it might take quite a while for the reunion to take place and for me it took very long. And when it happened I had no clue what I was in for. I did not even know what to look for or to notice if this was my true twin flame. All I knew was that my emotional self was not the same. My soul, my energy and my being was altered. Or maybe it was not so much altered but it had been affected greatly by the reunion of my other half. Now that I see it I felt like my soul and aura energy had been activated. Like a switch went on and altered my state of being and feeling. I could not control it and I tried to even stop it and question it as a bad sign. But I knew he was the one that came for me so I could not dismiss our meeting so easily.

Many of us want our soul mate and so many times that word has been tossed around. In reality many people can be a soul mate in your life. Many soul mates can also be connected to past lives and come back as a divine helper and guide. It does not have to be just a romantic partner. But a twin flame there can only be one. Only one can be your true twin flame. This connection is deeper than the physical and goes beyond love because it connects to God and God’s light and love. As you can see it is such a spiritual bond that goes farther than what we can grasp.  Do not let this intimidate you because you can find this other half that connects with you to make one soul a deep connection of God’s divine light. The more you practice and follow your intuition the more you connect with your spirituality the more you can draw him or her in.

This is just the beginning. I will walk with you on this journey to love and the divine twin flame that calls to your soul and that you call to yours. Please enjoy the video below. It is a perfect introductory to the twin flames as well. Feel free to watch and learn on your own. I hope you enjoyed my first blog on the twin flames.

Love and Light

This is her face book page!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Oracle Reading for 1.30.2012

The Sun Dancers twirled across our path today bring us wisdom about joyful activity, celebration of life, and abundance. They came to remind us about the laws of attraction and how important it is to be joyful and giving praise. When we do this, we attract more to be joyful and give praise about! Lift the vibration of your energy to match the energy of whatever it is you wish to manifest in your life. Give thanks as if it's already manifested in front of you and DANCE a dance of victory, as if you've already won, as if you've already achieved your goal!

We are in control of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. That being said, sometimes things happen that are not within our control and it results in events and situations that we don't like. "Bad things" or unfavorable situations do not indicate an inability to create what we desire, it means that life happens – and what REALLY matters is how we choose to react in these given situations. More so than when times are good, when you face difficulty, turn up the volume on the song your heart sings and continue to dance and bask in the warmth of the sun. If you can still choose love, light, joy, and happiness in the face of difficulty, then you have reached a level of self mastery. Just as the sun comes up every morning, trust in the Divine to help you rise above any difficulties you face.

Thanks for reading and Blessed Be! )O(
