Thursday, February 23, 2012

A fresh Start

I want to share two quotes that I really like and have made a positive difference in my life and maybe you’ll find them making a positive difference in your life as well. The first is by Ralph Waldo Emerson "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense." And the second by one of my favorite yoga masters named Sri K. Pattabi Jois once said” Practice and all is coming” 

In my own personal experience when I had a hard time forgetting some negative life situations, I have turned to these two quotes to help keep me grounded and focused on what I needed to do in the present moment to move forward towards my goals. Actually, every time we step onto the yoga mat to practice yoga is another day in which we can begin anew and have a fresh start to release the old and all that is not part of reaching our desired goals. We begin our yoga practice with what is called a beginner’s mind no matter how many years we have been practicing in order to experience something new. Regardless of how many yoga poses are practiced over and over again, the beginner’s mind is used to cultivate a sense of growth, change and improvement. 

The more I think about Sri K. Pabbi Jois’s quote of “practice and all is coming”, the more I think what a genius he was because to me it means when you do your work diligently or yoga practice everything will fall into place. And it does. So, the more you focus on your work/practice and not on all the other obstacles, negative situations etc. that might surface on your life’s journey the better. 

If you do not practice yoga, a fresh start can come to you from something as easy as clearing clutter from your home. You can begin by donating things you do not need or use like old clothes, children’s toys, shoes, furniture etc. Often times, when you do clear the clutter from your home, you will get a fresh start or perspective on something you had not thought about before. When I was moving, I had not realized I had accumulated so many clothes and my children had accumulated many toys. So, I donated what we didn’t need or used and now we live simply. 

Another thing you can do to have that fresh start feeling is taking a mini vacation. You will return with new ideas and ready to tackle the work in front of you with greater ease. These are just a few examples of ways to get that fresh start feeling but let me know what has worked for you. I’d love to hear all about it!!!

By: Cristina Tuazon
Yoga instructor/Practitioner

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