Thursday, September 10, 2015

A new moon in Virgo ~Move into action~

The new moon in Virgo (which falls this Sunday 9/13)  has very interesting and simple themes about life. First know that a new moon always equals new beginnings. So get excited! Get inspired! Virgo is a sign that is an earth sign. Think of things that ground you or that grounds one self. In other words be focused on what is physical and tangible. Touch, smell, sound and sight are all senses that help you feel connected to the physical world. One of the themes for this new moon and partial eclipse (which is also taking place Sunday) is health. Physical health and healing! What is important right now that would make your physical health and well being better? Whatever it may be you need to focus on it now and make the first step towards realizing it. 
I would also say this new moon and partial eclipse is the Feng shui new moon and partial eclipse. Why? Because it is calling us to pay attention to what isn't working in our lives and asking us to take action by removing it! So what is old and not working for you any longer? Make room for the new by letting go of what is old. It can be old clothes, a worn out job,  or an old friend. You get the picture. And in order to get the most of it you have to be very open and honest. Be honest about your goals and desires. Then make a move! Don't just think it act it. And make that SPACE! Trust me Virgo is the sign all about daily routine and work as well as giving back. So what changes can you make to your daily routine? Nothing is ever too small. Even a small act of change can make a difference in your life, in your attitude and energy. Yes this new moon seems to be all inspiring and can cause you to have big desires but don't just stay there. Move. Act on those big desires and then change can be more than a thought it can be real and healing. Whatever surprises come up or however you get clear about your life know that it is a process and which ever process you are in right now is right for you. 

Hope you are illuminated and guided during this new moon. New moon blessings. 

Love and Light,
Cristina Puzio
Instagram: angelictarot333 

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