Thursday, February 23, 2012

A fresh Start

I want to share two quotes that I really like and have made a positive difference in my life and maybe you’ll find them making a positive difference in your life as well. The first is by Ralph Waldo Emerson "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense." And the second by one of my favorite yoga masters named Sri K. Pattabi Jois once said” Practice and all is coming” 

In my own personal experience when I had a hard time forgetting some negative life situations, I have turned to these two quotes to help keep me grounded and focused on what I needed to do in the present moment to move forward towards my goals. Actually, every time we step onto the yoga mat to practice yoga is another day in which we can begin anew and have a fresh start to release the old and all that is not part of reaching our desired goals. We begin our yoga practice with what is called a beginner’s mind no matter how many years we have been practicing in order to experience something new. Regardless of how many yoga poses are practiced over and over again, the beginner’s mind is used to cultivate a sense of growth, change and improvement. 

The more I think about Sri K. Pabbi Jois’s quote of “practice and all is coming”, the more I think what a genius he was because to me it means when you do your work diligently or yoga practice everything will fall into place. And it does. So, the more you focus on your work/practice and not on all the other obstacles, negative situations etc. that might surface on your life’s journey the better. 

If you do not practice yoga, a fresh start can come to you from something as easy as clearing clutter from your home. You can begin by donating things you do not need or use like old clothes, children’s toys, shoes, furniture etc. Often times, when you do clear the clutter from your home, you will get a fresh start or perspective on something you had not thought about before. When I was moving, I had not realized I had accumulated so many clothes and my children had accumulated many toys. So, I donated what we didn’t need or used and now we live simply. 

Another thing you can do to have that fresh start feeling is taking a mini vacation. You will return with new ideas and ready to tackle the work in front of you with greater ease. These are just a few examples of ways to get that fresh start feeling but let me know what has worked for you. I’d love to hear all about it!!!

By: Cristina Tuazon
Yoga instructor/Practitioner

Monday, February 13, 2012

What is will be:Twin Flame connection

Hello welcome to the second part of discussing twin flames. I am not an expert I just share what I know and I love to gather information regarding spiritual topics and this is one I am currently drawn to. I personally feel touched by this topic because I have always believed in a twin flame being. I just didn’t know it was called a twin flame. At first I thought it is my soul mate but when I met my boy friend in 2009 that changed after almost three years of being together I realized the connection between the twin flame and our relationship. I knew that someday I would be in a union that would mean a lot that would be bigger than us both. I felt that this person would help me spiritually they would teach me new things and make me realize many things which would support my growth. They would almost be like a mirror where I could see all my good parts and bad parts. Yes I know love is suppose to be romantic and it can be but I just felt my partner would bring to the table other things not just romantic love. I once even thought wow how did I end up being with my current partner?  There had to be a reason that I didn’t even bother to consider or realize. So I thought say I am up there with God and we are creating my life here on earth. He is giving me options to what kind of lessons I wish to learn and what kind of people I want in my life. So when it came to my husband the person whom I would raise a family with and share my life with I went ahead and picked him! I told God please don’t give me an easy person that I don’t learn much from. I want a partner I can learn a lot with and can grow spiritually with. That can transform me. Yikes! Knowing me I would pick a partnership that was not just all flowers and chocolates. But one that really tested me maybe even tested the world we lived in. Thinking that it really made sense to me that my partner came to be after all I had asked for him before I came to this earth.

Now twin flames are always together. Even if you do not live during his or her time you are still attached and if he or she is not living during your time they can still guide you and help you create the best life you can have in the current one you are living in. If you can do the same exercise I did and go back before you came here and ask yourself what did I choose as God was giving me all these options? Then this can really give you a clue to what you created even before coming here and it can connect the dots to the kind of people and situations you have in life. And of course it’s so you can imagine what kind of partner you would ask God to give you and then write it all down. If you come to the same conclusions as I did then that is still okay what matters is it will help you see that you are aware of who you are suppose to be with and this can help you have faith that what is will be.

Recently I lived those words “what is will be”. Because I always envisioned my self being married and when I would listen to certain songs I thought wow this goes so perfect with my wedding. One of those songs is by Stevie Wonder “Ribbons in the sky”. Today I had a chance to listen to it and wow it hit me this song is about twin flames! The lyrics are just so deep and spiritual.

Oh so long for this night I've prayed
That a star would guide you my way

To share with me this special day
Where a ribbon's in the sky for our love

If allowed, may I touch your hand,
And if pleased, may I once again
So that you too will understand

There's a ribbon in the sky for our love

This is not a coincidence,
And far more than a lucky chance
But what is that was always meant
Is a ribbon in the sky for our love.

Love, we can't lose with God on our side.
We'll find strength in each tear we cry.
From now on it will be you and I
And a ribbon in the sky, ribbon in the sky,
A ribbon in the sky for our love.

There's a ribbon in the sky for our love.

Just before Valentines Day on February 11th 2012 my boyfriend asked me to marry him! I said yes of course! It was such a touching and amazing moment I could not even believe it I was in awe and surprised. A few days before this happened I remember thinking about my life wondering if everything in it was meant to be. Then I said of course it is because I will have a family of my own someday. As you see what is will be. That is what makes a twin flame relationship different than others is that you both keep growing together. The attachment is there and it is so clear. Even though it is not easy like every relationship there are problems the difference here is that he or she won’t leave that easily either. Their participation in your life is strong and vital. They want to be in your life. You don’t even have to ask them if they do. They know their part even if they are not aware of its deepness they always do what is best for the relationship. In other words once they find you they won’t let you go. 

Have a great Valentines Day! Love yourself as much as you can and trust that you know who you are meant to be with. He or she is already out there. 

Love and Light
Cristina Balderas
Medium and spiritual counselor

Visit her fan page on facebook!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oracle Reading for 2.6.2012

The Horse King has ridden up to us atop his noble steed and brought with him lessons of assistance and control.

When you charge forward with your dreams and goals and you trust that you are working in accordance with Divine will, you are free to express and create in your own unique way. This entity has come to teach us that while we're striving for the life we desire to live, we don't have to do it all on our own. Be discerning about who you allow into your circle, but when you find that a person has genuinely been placed on your path, be open to receiving the help! We are not meant to carry and do everything on our own, but so many people take on the attitude of "I don't need help" and while one can be convinced of it and try to play the hero,  it's just not very smart. Granted, the work may still get done, but at what expense? Exhaustion? Burnout? Stress? Health problems? Don't live in fear and think that you must control everything. It will, without a doubt, hurt you and the people around you, because no one is meant to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders alone. No matter if what you're dealing with is spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, or if we're talking about a business or a creative venture – with anything in life – EASE UP ON THE REIGNS! Whether you need to "Let go and let God" and let the Divine lead you, or if you need to delegate some responsibilities to other friends, family members, or employees – DO IT! If someone offers help, don't be so proud that you cannot accept what has clearly presented itself as a gift to you. The Horse King embodies the assistance that can gallop into our lives and help us, but only if we humble ourselves and hop on the back.

I hope you enjoyed today's weekly Oracle reading – stay tuned for more!

Blessed Be

