Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I just received a phone call from a friend/client who's friend's son was given a book on demonology. This person was feeling like the book has very negative energy around it, and that it is bringing bad luck to her. The advice I provided the friends was case specific and will remain confidential, but I do want to share some simple thoughts I have on the topic.

First of all, get Hollywood and mainstream tv out of your head. Movies and tv shows that seek out spirits and challenge them really do not help the spirit realm or the people affected by spirits. As a person that works with spirits, its very important to first be cognisant of what you're getting into. Its important to have relationships with your guides, protectors, and angels, and knowing who to call upon for what purpose.

That said, its important to not invite negativity in. If you're not familiar with methods and forms of divination, like the controversial Ouji boards (wiki it here:, and the energies that can be brought in with each, then I advice you to NOT try it. To me, a Ouji board isn't bad, but its how its used is one of the key factors. Another key factor that you want to take into consideration is the WHO; who is divinating and for what purpose? Again, I'd leave it up to the pro's, because learning to divinate correctly can take many years of study and trial and error. If you're not sure what you're doing, please stay away. Even certain books will bring about energies, so be wary of your thoughts and actions when you're getting into anything occult-based.

Something that these tv shows do is teach the inexperienced viewing public on how to provoke spirits. You must remember that most spirits were living at one point, just as you and I are alive today. How would you like it if someone shouted to you, "Common! You can do better than that! Come and get me!" You'd probably be very pissed off, and wouldn't be nice to anyone. Some spirits do not acknowedge that they've transitions, and others are simply not ready to "go."

Tv shows also teach people how to use devices to communicate with spirits. I must say that these tools should not be placed into the hands of novices. The devices are another invitation to unseen forces that you may not be ready to deal with, and I highly recommend you don't play with any of this.

As an initiate of the 5th ray, a person who works with angels, someone who has been trained to release souls amd who's matron goddesses are protectoresses of the cemeteries, I will say this: Please respect the dead. I have a very high reverence  for the spirit realm and what happens on other dimensions. If you're not sure what you're doing, don't do it. Why would you open yourself up to something that you may later have no control over? I urge you to leave it to the pro's.

To finish, I want to share a quick note about the angels. There are many that you can call upon for assistance, so do your research on the ones you desire to work with. They angels are here to help us, and just need for us to call upon them and they'll be there quicker than you can say, "Archangel." That said, I leave you with this beautiful and important invocation of Arhcangel Michael, who will protect and shield you from negative forces:

"Archangel Michael, Remove all attachments from me, All negative energy forms, All negative thought forms, All heavy energy forms. All intruders and mischief makers,All astral forces and dominants,All small demons and large demons,including succubus and incubus. All living humans who try to steal my energy, Or do me any other harm,Find all humans in Spirit who are Lost around me,and take them Home. Remove all threads and bindingsAll cords and tiesAll chains and devices of any kindAll curses and hexes on any levelAnd all karmic patterns which are 'self'-defeatingAnd karmic links that are no longer neededReturn me to my perfect energy now please. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you." (From:

You may chose to adapt the prayer to your tradition. For example, I am pagan, and while I believe in Jesus as an Ascended Master, I would change the last part to, "In the name of all that is light, may it harm none. As I have willed it, it is so."

So please. Have respect for yourself and for the spirits. Do not provoke, but show them compassion. Pray for their healing, and ask that Archangel Michael protect you. You can also call upon the four angelic forces to change the vibration around you:

"In the Violet Light of Transmutation I stand
In the turquoise light I AM
In the protection of Michael I AM
In the healing light of Rafael I AM
In the inner light of Uriel I AM
In the pure light of Gabriel I AM
I release all dross from all dimensions and realities
I offer this dross through the intercession of the Great Silent Watcher
For release and transmutation into pure light
The pure light of Paramatman I AM
The pure light of Undifferentiated Source I AM
The pure light of ALLAH I AM
The pure light of God-Source I AM
The pure light of YHWH I AM
The pure light I AM
So it is.
It is done.

I do very much feel the strong presence of the angels. I believe in them and work with them on a daily basis. They love us very much. They are available to all of us at any time, and are not exclusive to any one religion, culture, region, or dimension. 

Have faith. Make wise choices, and call on the pro's (this includes the angels).

Blessed be!
Candelaria Spirit
For questions or more info, email