Monday, January 27, 2014

On earth, as it is in heaven

Someone pointed out this verse of the bible and suggested an insight that blew me away. I thought of a dream I had once where I knew I was in my heaven. An angel was behind me and I felt so free and loved. I realized the piece of heaven I took with me was a reminder that I am here on earth for a reason. That being on earth wasn't going to be perfect. But there is a connection between heaven and earth. When I see this verse I see that there is a message suggesting that we bring what is of heaven to earth. And that our life reflects that of what we know from heaven. The only way I can think of making sure I allow heaven and the spiritual part of me to bloom on earth is by taking my physical life seriously. And by seriously I mean by not ignoring that I am a vehicle of my dreams and desires. That I am a vehicle of heaven in earth and by embracing my life on earth I can empower myself and others in ways I could never imagine. So plant as many seeds as you can. The only place you can plow your seeds and see your seeds grow is here in earth. Not in heaven. But that which you grow will be reflections of heaven in earth. If you allow them to be and if you put in the physical effort to help them grow and manifest.  On earth, as it is in heaven. You are not separated from heaven no matter if you are on this plane. So live fully physically, emotionally and spiritually and allow your divine self to shine in your actions. 

Love and Light,
Cristina Balderas
Medium and Spiritual Counselor

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A sense of peace for 2014

Before the new-year came I decided to do something meaningful for myself. I had in mind a nice, spiritual and relaxing bath. I prepared candles, crystals and oils. My intention was to release. I really wanted to unblock every thought, energy and feeling within me. I also wanted to forgive myself and others as much as I could. As I began to focus on meditation and stillness I could not help but to sense the huge feeing of peace. I felt very protected and loved. And this is where my spiritual dialogue came in. What I received was a strong message of clarity, peace and reassurance. Mother Mary was also there with me and her energy came through so easily and beautifully. I know that this year 2014 is a year where we must stop questioning if we are enough, stop asking if we are spiritual and stop wasting time waiting for validation. What I received from the angels and Mother Mary was “You are enough. You know that are you spiritual so there is no need to try to prove it or to seek it. You just know it and you are it. Instead focus on your goals. Focus on service and taking the right action. We know you want to create new things in your life and we are behind you. You are well equipped to handle it and yes you can create many wonderful new things in your life. Nothing should stop you. Keep it simple that is why we say you already are spiritual so do not dwell in searching for that answer. And do not dwell on feeling like you are incomplete. You are complete. Now go and make things happen!” 

There was so much clarity that seeped into me during that moment. I felt like so much baggage came off me. I felt lighter, calmer and stronger. It’s as if my worries of being enough were gone. I knew who I was and I am spiritual and I do not need to validate that any more. I am free to follow my passions and goals. I do not need to fear my past nor fear about filling a certain part of me. And I felt like I no longer can fear the future. I am enough. And the time to simplify your life is this year. Do not get caught up in doubting yourself and in listening to what others tell you about who you are. You know who you are. You are spiritual and nothing can change that not even our past. What a relief!  Mother Mary and the angels love us so much they want us to know the truth and to celebrate the truth the truth that we are already spiritual and that is who we truly are. And even right now I hear Mother Mary saying now you have all the time in the world to follow your goals and to be happy. She is not saying that there is no beauty in expressing your spirituality or that it is wasteful but more like it is just a reflection of who you are because you are already divine and spiritual. It is living inside of you. You are it!

You are spirituality! Say it I Am spirituality! I am already spiritual I don’t need others to tell me or I don’t need to question it. And that is why I know that this year I will keep it simple. I will honor my goals and honor the time I have. If I can’t do it all that is still okay. If I can’t be it all that is still okay. Just by honoring myself and my purpose I am honoring the spiritual within me. Will you honor yourself this year? I hope you do. Simplify, release as much as you can and don’t worry about being incomplete you already know that is not your truth. Your truth is you already are spiritual. Own it, embrace it and allow it to help you live a beautiful, magical and simple life.

Love and Light
Cristina Balderas 
Medium and spiritual counselor