Monday, January 21, 2013

Mary of Magdalene: She wants to be heard….

It was a powerful day December 21st of 2012. It was a day where a lot of cosmic energies were going to transform and literally bring us closer to a higher divine feeling and way of being. Do you remember what you did on that day? I decided to meditate on that day at exactly 12:00 p.m. I was feeling very intense due to a previous situation that had occurred. I realized that this was just what I needed to relax and calm down. I felt more connected with my feelings and I could feel the compassion for myself expand so much quicker. When I meditate I tend to receive messages from others. If it’s not the angels then it’s a saint or some other being of light that wants to reach out to me and connect. I really wanted to be open to messages this day because of the energies. So as open as I was I received three messages. One was from Jesus the other from the archangels and the last one was from Mary of Magdalene. Now when she came in I felt her so clearly and strongly. Her words were, “Please let others know I am a healer too”! I was touched by her request and I knew then I had to spread this message somehow. Since I am a reiki practitioner I also felt she is someone that I can learn from as well. So now one of my intentions for this year is to work closely with her and learn her ways of healing. Once I receive enough information from her I will share it with others! This year during my first workshops I held by myself I decided to do a simple meditation with her. When I was preparing for this prior to the workshop she said to me my color is golden yellow. In the meditation I asked the participants to envision a beautiful golden yellow light pouring into their bodies. The feed back was amazing they enjoyed the meditation and felt much more relaxed. I am so anxious and excited to be working with her and sharing her knowledge and teachings with you! She is a powerful healer too! She wants to be heard and wants to help you heal from fear, heal through forgiveness, and clear imbalances that can hurt your spirit and heart. This is just the beginning. I hope you will read the blogs about her that I will write as I learn and connect with her more. The divine feminine is strong! Thank you Mary of Magdalene for reaching out. You are not alone. Many healers are around you.

Love and Light
Cristina Balderas
Medium and Spiritual Counselor

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