Monday, December 5, 2011

Ways to relieve the stress and pains of this Holiday: With your spirituality

How can you orchestrate so many emotions especially during difficult times and especially now that we’re already in the holiday season? First know that you are going to get hit hard by those closest to you. So before you explode take a few moments to realize that you are being influenced by the many emotions of your friends, family and romantic partner. I remember the Christmases when I was so free to enjoy the holiday music and where I felt like my shopping was never going to end. Boy do I miss that this year. Many of us lost our jobs or in the process of finding a job or simply looking for more ways to make ends meet. I myself am in that process and I feel your pain.

I learned something valuable today during my meditation and bath time. The angels do not want us to throw away the goodness, the love nor damage our relationships over our frustrations and stress.  And for some of us others (or certain situations) have already pushed us to the edge where we feel like enough is enough. Now this can be a time where you can speak your truth. Sharing your feelings and speaking your truth is not bad. But what I realized can go wrong with this is: “speaking your truth is valuable just be careful how it flows after you shared your feelings because that is where the ego can take over and whatever you say from then on will be out of hurting the other person.” Be mindful that yes you might want to end up hurting others just as you felt they’ve hurt you but then it turns into a game a negative cycle and we do not want that to happen now especially during these difficult times. I did say you can speak your truth and in doing so you are allowing the other person to see your feelings and where you might be hurting just like them. So for couples and marriages out there please do this and realize each one of you is doing your best!

Follow whatever form of relief and spirituality you have been taught or that you find interesting. For me it is my bath time and meditation. During this time I also invite and speak with the angels and even other spiritual deities. Today this has helped me so much that when I tried to cry later on while watching a sad video I did not have enough tears because I already had released a lot during my bath and meditation time. Handling emotions is so overwhelming especially when everyone is being emotional at the same time and in different ways. You don’t have to let situations become battles or vampires that suck the life out of you! Compassion can help with this too.  A perfect way in practicing your compassion will be during your spiritual time. Now this can be anything from prayer to meditation. What you will do is send loving thoughts and forgive yourself and others. No one will see you so open up a lot! This will add to your compassion and therefore when you are dealing with others you can be focused and clear with peace inside of you. Practicing compassion also helps heal you! So what can you do to orchestrate all these emotions during tough times?

  • Speak your truth
  • Make time for your “Spiritual time” (where you are one with yourself and your spirit/faith)
  • Practice compassion (this is with yourself and others)
  • Practice releasing (this can happen during your spiritual time or where you are speaking your truth)
  • Speak with the angels ~let them know your problems~(angels help everyone so do not hesitate to talk to them!)
  • Prayer  (prayer can really help you during difficult times)

If you find it hard to verbally say anything then please journal this. I am a big believer in journaling. Please know you are doing your best and that every time you make an effort to understand yourself and these tough times you just come out stronger and wiser! You are not alone and I am with you too dealing with such struggles and blocks but we can use them to our advantage to look inward and to make the best out of everything! Please have a great holiday and Christmas! I am sending you angels to help you, guide you and protect you!

By: Cristina Balderas
Her Facebook Page!

Oh and for more tips to make your holidays better please read this blog
"Spirit of the Season: Your Holistic Holiday Survival Guide"

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